Calculate the price of a 29-year 11-month Treasury bond

U.S. Treasury notes or bonds pay a coupon every six month and return the face value at maturity. The price of a $N$-year Treasury bond equals to the present value of all future cash flows: \begin{equation}P=\frac{\frac{r}{2} * F}{1+ \frac{y}{2}} + \frac{\frac{r}{2} * F}{(1+ \frac{y}{2})^2} +\cdots + \frac{\frac{r}{2} * F}{(1+ \frac{y}{2})^{2N}} + \frac{ F}{(1+ \frac{y}{2})^{2N}}\,,\tag{1}\end{equation} which can be simplified as \begin{equation}\frac{P}{F}= \frac{r}{y}+\frac{1-\frac{r}{y}}{(1+ \frac{y}{2})^{2N}}\,.\tag{2}\end{equation} where $P$ is the bond price and $F$ is the face value of the bond. $r$ is the coupon rate (or the interest rate in Treasury documents) and $y$ is the yield to maturity. Eq. (1) and (2) are computed in a semi-annual basis: there are $2N$ periods for a $N$-year bond. For the recent 30-Year Treasury bond, the issue date is Aug. 15, 2024 and the maturity date is Aug. 15, 2054. Submitting the coupon rate $r=4.250\%$ and the yield to maturity $y=4.314\%$ into ...