Rindler space

We proved the hyperbolic motion viewed in the lab frame of a relativistic particle with constant proper acceleration as in this post : \begin{equation}t(\tau) = \frac{c}{a}\sinh\left(\frac{a\tau}{c}\right)\,,\quad x(\tau) = \frac{c^2}{a}\cosh\left(\frac{a\tau}{c}\right)\,,\tag{1} \end{equation} where $\tau$ is the proper time of the particle. The next question is: What is the time and space coordinates transformation between the lab frame $(t, x)$ and the particle frame? The time in the particle frame is just the proper time $\tau$ and we denote the space coordinate in the particle frame by $\xi$. The transformation between $(t, x)$ and $(\tau, \xi)$ is obviously not Lorentz transformation since the particle frame is not an inertial frame because of the acceleration. Instead, Eq. (1) is a special case of the transformation at $\xi=0$. The key insight is that although the particle frame is not an inertial frame, there exists a series of instantaneous co-moving inertial frames at each ti...