
Showing posts from September, 2022

Homotopy group

In mathematics, the first homotopy group of a pathwise-connected topological space $\cal{M}$, denoted by $\pi_1(\cal{M})$, is about the classification of all the loops in $\cal{M}$: The relations between loops that can be continuously deformed into one another is an equivalence relation. Then all loops in $\cal{M}$ can be partitioned into disjoint equivalent classes. Finally, all equivalent classes of loops form a group.  Note: Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be two loops in $\cal{M}$, the group multiplication between the equivalent classes $[\alpha]$ and $[\beta]$ is defined as $[\alpha]\cdot[\beta]=[\alpha * \beta]$, where $\alpha * \beta$ is a concatenated loop that we first traverse through the loop $\alpha$ and then through the loop $\beta$. In general, the n-th homotopy group, $\pi_n(\cal{M})$ is about the classification of the n-dimensional sphere $S^n$ in $\cal{M}$. Examples: $\pi_1\left(S^1\right)=\mathbb{Z}$ suggests that we can label each equivalent class of loops in $S^1$ by an i