Interview problems: Gaussian
(1) X, Y are i.i.d. standard normal \mathcal{N}(0, 1). What is \mathbb{P}(X >3Y| X > 0)?
(2) X, Y, Z are standard normal \mathcal{N}(0, 1) with \rho_{X, Y}=\rho_{X, Z}=\rho_{Y, Z}=0.5. What is \mathbb{P}(X+Y>Z+2)?
(3) X, Y are i.i.d. standard normal \mathcal{N}(0, 1). What is \mathbb{E}[X|X+Y=1]?
(1) (X, Y) joint pdf is rotation invariant. Therefore, as shown in the figure, \mathbb{P}(X >3Y| X > 0)=\frac{\theta}{\pi} = \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\arctan 1/3}{\pi}.
Similarly, we can compute, for example, \mathbb{P}(X >5Y)=1/2 or \mathbb{P}(X>0| X+Y>0)=3/4.
(2) Let W\equiv X+Y-Z, \text{Var}(W)=\text{Cov}(X+Y-Z, X+Y-Z)=2. As a result, W\sim \mathcal{N}(0, 2) and \mathbb{P}(W>2)=1-\Phi(\sqrt{2}).
(3) \mathbb{E}[X|X+Y=1]=\mathbb{E}[X+Y-Y|X+Y=1]=1-\mathbb{E}[Y|X+Y=1]=1-\mathbb{E}[X|X+Y=1], and thus \mathbb{E}[X|X+Y=1]=1/2.
For a more general case, such conditional expectation can be solved by two properties of Gaussian: linear combination of Gaussians is still Gaussian, and zero correlation of two Gaussians means independence. The calculation is as follows:
Let Z=X+Y, find a such that \text{Cov}(X+aZ, Z)=0. Then, \mathbb{E}[X|Z=b]=\mathbb{E}[X+aZ-aZ|Z=b]=\mathbb{E}[X+aZ]-ab=-ab\,.
By \text{Cov}(X+aZ, Z)=\text{Cov}((1+a)X+aY, X+Y)=2a+1=0, we have a=-1/2 and thus \mathbb{E}[X|Z=1]=1/2.
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