
Showing posts from August, 2023

Lie Algebra of su(2)

This is a simple exercise before jumping into the general theory of Lie algebra classification. The commutator relations in Lie algebra $\mathfrak{su}(2)$ are \begin{equation}\Big[{\cal{J}}_a\,,{\cal{J}}_b\Big]=i\,\epsilon_{abc}\,{\cal{J}}_c\end{equation} for $a,b,c=1,2,3$. We construct an irreducible representation in the following steps:  Pick any operator, say ${\cal{J}}_3$, and denote its eigenvector by $|m\rangle$: \begin{equation}{\cal{J}}_3\,|m\rangle = m\,|m\rangle\,.\tag{1}\end{equation} For the remaining ${\cal{J}}_1$ and ${\cal{J}}_2$, construct a set of new operators \begin{equation}{\cal{J}}_{\pm}\equiv {\cal{J}}_1 \pm i {\cal{J}}_2\,.\tag{2}\end{equation} The commutator relations become \begin{eqnarray}\Big[{\cal{J}}_3\,,{\cal{J}}_{\pm}\Big]=\pm {\cal{J}}_{\pm}\,,\quad \Big[{\cal{J}}_+\,,{\cal{J}}_-\Big]=2\,{\cal{J}}_3\,.\tag{3}\end{eqnarray} From the relation ${\cal{J}}_3\,{\cal{J}}_{\pm}\,|m\rangle = \Big[{\cal{J}}_3\,,{\cal{J}}_{\pm}\Big]\,|m\rangle + {\cal{J}}_{\p...

Definition of Lie Group and Lie Algebra

Exponential Map Intuitively, we can simply view Lie groups $G$ as the groups of elements $g(\alpha)\in G$ that are parameterized continuously by a set of real numbers $\alpha$. We denote their representation s by $\cal{D}(\alpha)$, which can be constructed in the following steps: We choose $\alpha$ such that $g(0)=e$. As a result, ${\cal{D}}(0)=\cal{I}$ is the identity operator. For small parameters $\epsilon$, we are able to Taylor expand to the first order of each component  $\epsilon^a$: \begin{equation}{\cal{D}}(\epsilon)={\cal{I}}+i\sum_{a=1}^N\epsilon^a \cal{T}_a\,\end{equation} where ${\cal{T}}_1,\cdots , {\cal{T}}_N$ are operators called generators . For finite parameters $\alpha$, the group property allows to make $k$ sequential transformations, each with small parameters $\alpha/k$. As a result, \begin{equation}{\cal{D}}(\alpha)=\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}{\cal{D}}^k(\alpha/k)=\lim_{k\rightarrow\infty}\left({\cal{I}}+\frac{i}{k}\sum_{a=1}^N\alpha^a {\cal{T}}_a\rig...

Basics of Group Representation

The representation of a group $G$ is a mapping from any $g\in G$ to a linear operator $\cal{D}(g)$ that preserves the group multiplication. Note: Recall that operators are linear transformations that map one vector to another vector. So the multiplication between two operators $\cal{D}(g_1)\cal{D}(g_2)$ is defined as two sequential transformations \begin{equation}\cal{D}(g_1)\cal{D}(g_2)\,\,|\psi\rangle:= \cal{D}(g_1)\,\Big(\cal{D}(g_2)|\psi\rangle\Big)\end{equation} when acting on any vector $|\psi\rangle$. The requirement of preserving the group multiplication means \begin{equation}\cal{D}(g_1)\cal{D}(g_2)=\cal{D}(g_1g_2)\,\tag{1}\end{equation} for any $g_1,g_2\in G$. [Exercise 1] Prove that the representation forms a group. [Solution]  Closure: By Eq. (1). Associativity: \begin{eqnarray}\cal{D}(g_1)\Big(\cal{D}(g_2)\cal{D}(g_3)\Big)=\cal{D}(g_1)\cal{D}(g_2g_3)&=&\cal{D}(g_1(g_2g_3))\\&=&\cal{D}((g_1g_2)g_3)=\cal{D}(g_1g_2)\cal{D}(g_3)=\Big(\cal{D}(g_1)\cal{D}(g_...

Review of Linear Algebra in Quantum Mechanics (V)

More about Orthonormal Basis First of all, consider any vector $|\psi\rangle$ expanded within an orthonormal basis $|\psi\rangle=\sum_{i=1}^n\psi_i|\epsilon_i\rangle$. Because of the orthonormal property \begin{equation}\langle \epsilon_i |\epsilon_j\rangle=\delta_{ij}\,,\tag{1}\end{equation} by applying $\langle\epsilon_i|$ on both sides of the expansion , we obtain $\psi_i = \langle \epsilon_i |\psi\rangle$. Since the relation \begin{equation}|\psi\rangle =\sum_{i=1}^n\psi_i|\epsilon_i\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^n \langle \epsilon_i |\psi\rangle\,|\epsilon_i\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^n |\epsilon_i\rangle\langle\epsilon_i |\psi\rangle\end{equation} holds for any $|\psi\rangle$, we obtain the completeness property \begin{equation} \sum_{i=1}^n |\epsilon_i\rangle\langle\epsilon_i |= \cal{I}\,,\tag{2}\end{equation} where $\cal{I}$ is the identity  transformation  that leaves any vector unchanged.    Secondly, let's write an operator within the orthonormal basis \beg...

Review of Linear Algebra in Quantum Mechanics (IV)

Inner Product  Given a  vector space  $V$ over the field $\mathbb{C}$, we define an inner product, i.e, a map $(\,,\,): \, V\times V \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ that satisfies the following axioms: $\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\,  |\phi\rangle\Big)=\Big(|\phi\rangle\,,\,  |\psi\rangle\Big)^*$ $\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\,  |\phi\rangle+|\chi\rangle\Big) = \Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\,  |\phi\rangle\Big)+\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\,  |\chi\rangle\Big)$ $\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\,  c|\phi\rangle\Big)=c\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\, |\phi\rangle\Big)$ for any $c\in\mathbb{C}$ $\Big(|\psi\rangle\,,\, |\psi\rangle\Big)\rangle \geq 0$, equality holds iff $|\psi\rangle=\mathbf{0}$ Note: In the  dual vector space , $\langle\, | \,\rangle$ is bilinear. In contrast, here the inner product $(,)$ is linear in its second argument and antilinear in its first argument.  The definition of inner product leads to the  projection theo...

Review of Linear Algebra in Quantum Mechanics (III)

Dual Vector Space Given a  vector space  $V$, its dual $V^*$ is a set of linear maps $f:\,V\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$. Following the  Dirac notation , we denote such map $f$ by $\langle f|$. When acting on a vector $|\psi\rangle$, it leads to a complex number denoted by $\langle f|\psi\rangle$. The map is linear such that \begin{equation}\langle f|\,\Big(c_1|\psi\rangle + c_2|\phi\rangle\Big)=c_1\,\langle f|\psi\rangle+c_2\langle f|\phi\rangle\,.\end{equation} $V^*$ becomes a vector space when the linear maps are equipped with the addition and scaling operations: \begin{eqnarray}\langle f+g| \psi\rangle&=& \langle f| \psi\rangle + \langle g| \psi\rangle\,,\\ \langle c\,f|\psi\rangle&=& c \langle f|\psi\rangle\,,\end{eqnarray} for all $f, g \in V^*$, $|\psi\rangle\in V$ and $c\in\mathbb{C}$. Note: $\langle f|\psi\rangle$ is bilinear in each of the two arguments. We will use Greek letters for vectors in the vector space and use English letters for maps in the d...

Review of Linear Algebra in Quantum Mechanics (II)

Basis A set of vectors $|\alpha_1\rangle, \cdots, |\alpha_n\rangle$ is a basis of a  vector space  if $|\alpha_1\rangle, \cdots, |\alpha_n\rangle$ are linearly independent. That is, the only solution of the equation \begin{equation}x_1 |\alpha_1\rangle+x_2 |\alpha_2\rangle+\cdots + x_n |\alpha_n\rangle =\mathbf{0}\end{equation} is $x_1=\cdots=x_n=0$. Any vector $|\psi\rangle$ in the vector space is a linear combination of $|\alpha_1\rangle, \cdots, |\alpha_n\rangle$, i.e. \begin{equation}|\psi\rangle =c_1 |\alpha_1\rangle+c_2 |\alpha_2\rangle+\cdots + c_n |\alpha_n\rangle\end{equation} for $c_1,\cdots, c_n\in \mathbb{C}$. [Exercise 1] If there is vector $|\psi\rangle$ that can not be a linear combination of linearly independent vectors $|\alpha_1\rangle, \cdots, |\alpha_n\rangle$, then $|\alpha_1\rangle, \cdots, |\alpha_n\rangle, |\psi\rangle$ are linearly independent. [Solution] Consider the equation $x_1 |\alpha_1\rangle+\cdots + x_n |\alpha_n\rangle +d|\psi\rangle =\ma...

Review of Linear Algebra in Quantum Mechanics (I)

This series of posts is just a refresh of linear algebra basics in the language of quantum mechanics. One of the motivations is that in many books like Prof. Georgi's "Lie Algebra in Particle Physics" , linear algebra is directly presented in quantum mechanics notations. Vector Space The fundamental concept in linear algebra is the so-called vector space (or linear space). It is a set of elements called vectors that can be added together or multiplied by scalars  in the field $\mathbb{F}$. When the scalars are complex numbers, we can denote the vectors by  kets  $|\,\rangle$. So in the language of quantum mechanics, the basic definition of vector space over $\mathbb{C}$ can be formulated as follows: $|\psi\rangle + |\phi\rangle = |\phi\rangle + |\psi\rangle$. $\Big(|\psi\rangle + |\phi\rangle\Big)+|\chi\rangle=|\psi\rangle+\Big(|\phi\rangle + |\chi\rangle\Big)$. There exists an $\mathbf{0}$ such that $|\psi\rangle + \mathbf{0}=|\psi\rangle$ for every $|\psi\rangle$....