
Showing posts from September, 2023

Classification of Lie Algebra

Recall that the Lie group representation only depends a linear combination of generators as in its  exponential form   ${\cal{D}}(\alpha)= e^{i\,\alpha^a {\cal{T}}_a}$, we are able to choose a particular set of generators for the classification of Lie algebra. We consider the compact Lie groups whose representation can always be unitary and thus their generators are Hermitian ${\cal{T}}_a={\cal{T}}^{\dagger}_a$. Cartan generators Out of all the generators, we can construct a maximal subset of mutually commuting Hermitian generators (Cartan generators), ${\cal{H}}_i$ for $i=1,\cdots, m$, such that \begin{equation}{\cal{H}}_i={\cal{H}}^{\dagger}_i\,,\quad \Big[{\cal{H}}_i\,,{\cal{H}}_j\Big]=0\,,\quad\text{Tr}\left({\cal{H}}_i{\cal{H}}_j\right)=k_D\,\delta_{ij}\,\tag{1}\end{equation} for some positive constant $k_D$. The construction of such Cartan generators is in the following steps:  From the generators ${\cal{T}}_1, \cdots,{\cal{T}}_N$, we can pick a maximal subset of mutually commuti